Custom Colouring Books : A Profitable Niche?

Custom Colouring Book

Custom colouring books are a new way for artists and business people in Australia to earn money. The market for colouring books has grown a lot, and both adults and kids love them for their therapeutic benefits and variety of designs. Making your own colouring book can make you good money, but you need to pick the right topic and make it look great. Finding a popular theme and style is the first step.

The trend of self-publishing colouring books started to take off around 2012, and it’s still growing. Many people, including past customers and publishers, keep wanting more. For grown-ups, favourite topics are mandalas, nature, and wise sayings. Kids often choose books about animals, princesses, or superheroes.

To succeed in this market, you need to know what people like and make a book that’s special. Look at what’s already selling well. This can help you find a unique angle for your book. Our aim here is to provide a personalised approach to both print and design tips to help you on your Colouring Book Journey !

Key Takeaways

Understanding the Custom Colouring Book Market

The custom colouring book industry is making a big comeback, with coloring books being praised for their therapeutic benefits. People of all ages are loving these books. Adults, in particular, enjoy them as they offer a chance to relax and get creative. This has become a big trend in the world of publishing.

Resurgence of Adult Colouring Books

Adult colouring books are a hit because they help people relax and be creative. They have been praised for their ability to reduce stress and promote focus.

Market Demand and Profitability

Thinking of making your own colouring book? It can be a good idea if done right. Important things to consider are if people want it, how unique it is, and marketing. Figuring out if there’s a unique spot for your book can really help it stand out. With platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing, getting your book out there is easier. There’s a growing interest in new and exciting colouring books.

Crafting the Perfect Custom Coloring Book Theme

Custom Colouring Books

Starting with the right theme is key to a successful coloring book. Research shows that books with a clear theme, be it ‘Nature’ or ‘Popular Italian Scooters’, are loved more. Decide early if it’s for adults or kids. Look at what’s popular in stores to spot trends.

Customizable themes like Robots or Architecture draw people in. They cover different interests, making your book more appealing. Adjust the complexity based on who you’re targeting. This ensures it’s fun and challenging for everyone.

A strong theme or character can make your coloring book really stand out. Add a bit of story to deepen the experience. This makes coloring more fun and meaningful. The format of your pages matters too. It changes how your book looks.

For kids, consider a cute collection of characters from A to Z, perfect for toddlers and preschoolers who are learning their alphabet and love to colour.

To make the best coloring book, know your audience well. Pay attention to details and don’t be afraid to try new things. Use what’s popular and focus on what your readers love. This way, you’ll create something special and exciting.

Designing Engaging Colouring Pages

Creating colouring book designs offers two main choices: traditional drawing and digital illustration. Both ways suit different tastes in art. Each has its benefits for creating beautiful design.

To ensure the best coloring experience, it is essential to use quality paper stock for both the cover and inside pages. This premium A4 size Colouring Book is printed on nice and thick paper stock, preventing thick coloured markers from showing through to the other side.

Traditional Drawing Method

If you like getting hands-on, start your designs with traditional art tools. Use pens, markers, or pencils to sketch. Make sure to outline with a bold pen or marker to make your design stand out. Then, you must turn your drawings into digital files for printing.

Digital Illustration Method

Those who enjoy digital tools can use tablets like an iPad Pro for designing. With various drawing options, these tablets help make detailed designs. A special pen for digital drawing can enhance your work. Adobe Illustrator is a top choice for digital artists. It produces images that look good at any size. Ensure the quality of your work by exporting at least 300 dpi for printing.

No matter which method you choose, aim for eye-catching designs. Creating bold and detailed colouring book pages helps attract people. This makes your book stand out and brings joy to colouring fans.

Importance of a High-Quality Cover

Your coloring book’s front cover is the first chance to catch a buyer’s eye, and its customizable nature allows you to create a unique and personalisable space that stands out. It’s the part that draws people in as they look around online or in shops. With the right design, your book is more likely to be noticed and bought by the people you’re trying to reach.

Equally important is the back cover, which should be designed with a 300 dpi PDF file containing the back cover, spine, and front cover design. This ensures the correct placement and high-quality appearance of your hardcover and perfect (PUR) items.

Eye-catching Designs

A cover that looks professional and fits the book’s theme is key to making it stand out. A design that is both high quality and visually striking will boost the book’s appeal. This grab the attention of those who are most likely interested in what you offer.

Professional Appearance

A good cover does more than just look nice. It also protects the book’s pages and adds to its value. This is especially true for physical copies that people will handle. Starting with a template is fine, but making it unique and memorable will make your book look more professional.

Custom Colouring Books: Optimizing with High-Resolution Illustrations

Adding high-resolution illustrations to your colouring book is crucial. It doesn’t just make it look great; it also increases its value and attractiveness. High-res images make sure every page is clear and inviting for colouring fans. This shows the top quality of your brand and makes your book stand out. When people see the effort you put into these images, they trust your book more. Plus, these detailed drawings help keep the print quality high, so your designs stay sharp.

The quality of the interior pages also plays a significant role in the overall book quality. Selecting the right paper type and ensuring the page count is a multiple of four can enhance the reader’s experience and the book’s durability.

The pictures in your colouring book really matter. They affect how much people like it and how valuable they think it is. Choosing high-res images means you’re offering a better time for colouring. This says a lot about your book – that it’s made with care and looks professional. It’s a detail that can make fans stay and keep coming back for more.

Printing your book right means making sure the images come out well on paper. Bad or blurry pictures spoil the fun for customers, hurting your book and brand. High-res images guarantee a good-looking, consistent result. This approach meets what customers hope to see, and that matters a lot.

Print Options for Custom Colouring Books

Deciding how to print your colouring book is crucial. Amazon and other big names have print-on-demand but they might not be the best deal. Start with a small print run of 100 copies to see how well it sells. When preparing files for printing, it is important to mark the ‘trim lines’ inside the bleed zone. These trim lines define the final dimensions of the finished page and ensure that any necessary elements of the images stop at least 10 mm short of the trim line. This way, you can test the market without a big cost upfront.

For adult coloring books, consider using ‘wire-o binding’. This binding allows a full page flip for comfortable and convenient coloring sessions. It also offers versatility, portability, and the ability to easily tear and share pages.

Saddle Stitching for Book Binding

Saddle Stitch Binding

If your colouring book is under 48 pages, saddle stitching is a good choice for binding. But, if it’s bigger, like 50 pages or more, go for perfect binding. It looks more professional and is cheaper for larger books.

Utilising Digital Platforms

Digital colouring books are gaining popularity. They’re great for using on devices like the Surface Pro or iPad Pro with a black marker app. By selling a digital version, like a PDF, you can cut down on print costs and reach more people.

Self-Publishing Your Custom Colouring Book

Self-publishing changes how authors share their work with the world. It’s the same for those who make colouring books. With Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), anyone can get their book out there. They get to keep more of their earnings and control their creative vision. To succeed, making your book stand out is vital. A great cover, including customizable options for the inside cover and inside front cover for personalized text, and engaging content are key.

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

KDP is a game-changer for self-publishers. It lets creators avoid the struggles of traditional publishing. This means more money and control stay with the artist. With KDP, the focus is on making beautiful, appealing books. They will easily reach the right people.

Marketing Strategies

Social media is a perfect place to market adult colouring books. Think Instagram and Pinterest. They’re all about sharing pictures. Show off your book’s best pages. This will draw in people who love art. Working with influencers can help spread the word more. Also, ads that target your audience can boost sales.

Custom Colouring Books: Exploring Pre-Made Templates and Free Graphics

For those starting out in Australia, pre-made templates and free graphics are key. You don’t need advanced design skills. These tools help make your colouring books look great and interesting. Just make sure you can use them for commercial purposes.

Many websites have pre-made templates available for free. Starting with these can save you time and effort. You can then focus on making your colouring book unique. Also, sites like Canva or Adobe Stock offer free graphics. You can use these to make your book even more special.

But, it’s vital to check the rules when using pre-made templates or free graphics. Be sure you can use them commercially. This way, you steer clear of any trouble and your book looks professional. With a bit of creativity, you can make these ready-to-use items stand out in your colouring book.


Custom colouring books are a smart choice for artists and business owners in Australia. They can take advantage of the adult colouring book trend. Understanding what people want, they can make designs that stand out. This means focusing on great cover art, unique illustrations, and efficient ways to print and distribute.

Platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing help get these books out there. Plus, using social media helps them reach more people. With a good plan, creating custom colouring books can be a great way to earn money passively. It’s a promising niche for those in Australia looking for business opportunities.

As the interest in adult colouring books grows, so does the chance to succeed in the market. Entrepreneurs can make their mark by focusing on quality, originality, and smart marketing. This approach can lead to a profitable business, drawing in those interested in the creative field. It offers an enticing business opportunity for those wanting to stand out.


What is the current state of the custom colouring book market in Australia?

Custom colouring books are big in Australia. They offer a great chance for artists and business-minded people. More and more people are buying colouring books, for both adults and kids.

What factors contribute to the profitability of creating a custom colouring book?

To make money with a custom colouring book, several things matter. You need a market that wants your style, a unique look, and strong promotion. Finding a unique niche and getting noticed is really important.

How do I choose the right theme for my custom colouring book?

Picking the right theme is key to a colouring book’s success. Think about your audience – adults or kids. Look for themes that are popular and in demand.

What are the options for designing the colouring pages for my custom colouring book?

You can design your book in two main ways. Use traditional art or digital tools. If you draw by hand, that’s traditional. Or, create using tablets and software, like Adobe Illustrator.

Why is a high-quality cover design important for a custom colouring book?

A great cover is your book’s first impression. It grabs people’s attention in a busy market. A beautiful cover also shows your book’s value and quality.

How can I ensure my custom colouring book has high-quality illustrations?

Use top-notch illustrations. They should be clear and sharp. This detail shows your book is high quality, setting you apart from others.

What are the options for printing and binding my custom colouring book?

You have a few options, like print-on-demand. Or print a small batch yourself. There’s also professional printing, with binding options like saddle stitch or perfect binding, great for any number of pages.

How can I effectively market and self-publish my custom colouring book?

Use platforms like Kindle for self-publishing. Also, use social media and work with influencers to get the word out. This can boost your book’s visibility and sales.

How can I use pre-made templates and free graphics to create my custom colouring book?

Pre-made templates and graphics are a big help if you’re not a designer. They’re great for creating pages and covers, but make sure you can use them commercially.

Custom Colouring Books