Custom Book Printing – Cost effective strategies

Custom Book Printing

As an Australian author looking to self-publish your work, the cost of custom book printing is likely one of your top concerns. After all, every upfront cost, from bookbinding to cover design to marketing, ultimately eats into your bottom line. Fortunately, there are several cost-effective strategies you can employ to print your books without breaking the bank.

One of the key factors to consider is the printing method. Digital printing, for example, can be a more cost-effective option for short runs of 200 or 300 print books, as the set-up costs are lower compared to offset printing. Additionally, choosing the right paper size and weight, as well as binding options like saddle-stitching or perfect binding, can help you save on printing costs.

By partnering with a professional printing company like MVP Print, you can ensure that we only Print Quality Books, gets shipped to customers quickly, and comes at a price you’ll be happy with. Their team of experts can guide you through the various options and help you make informed decisions to keep your printing costs in check.

Ultimately, with the right strategies and the support of a reliable booklet printing partner, you can bring your self-publishing dreams to life without sacrificing your budget. By exploring cost-effective solutions, you’ll be well on your way to putting your book in the hands of eager readers across Australia and beyond.

Understanding Custom Book Printing Costs

When it comes to custom book printing, the cost can vary significantly depending on several factors. Understanding these factors is crucial in ensuring you get the most cost-effective solution for your book project. Let’s dive into the key elements that influence book printing costs.

Factors that Influence Printing Costs

The cost of book printing is influenced by a variety of elements, including the print quantity, book size, page count, paper type, binding method, and printing technique. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions to keep your book printing costs as low as possible.

Print Quantity: Economies of Scale

One of the most significant factors affecting having your book printed is the print quantity. The more books you order, the lower the cost per unit. This is known as the principle of economies of scale. For example, a black and white paperback book of fewer than 110 pages can cost as little as $2.50 per book, while a standard 300-page paperback novel runs closer to $5 or $7 per book.

Book Size and Page Count Considerations

The size and page count of your book also play a role in determining the printing costs. Larger books with more pages generally cost more to produce than smaller, shorter books. However, the cost per page can be reduced by optimizing the page size and layout. For instance, an 8.5-by-11-inch 100-page photo book with hardcover, premium color, and high-quality paper costs $29.69 on Lulu, whereas a standard 300-page paperback novel runs closer to $5 or $6 per book.

Book Type Page Count Cost per Book Black and white paperback Fewer than 108 pages $2.30 Standard paperback novel 300 pages $5 – $6 8.5-by-11-inch photo book 100 pages $29.69

Choosing the Right Custom Book Printing Services

When it comes to custom book printing, deciding between digital printing and offset printing can have a significant impact on the overall cost of your project. Understanding the key differences between these two printing methods is crucial to ensure you choose the most cost-effective solution for your specific needs.

Digital Printing vs. Offset Printing

For printing short runs, like 200 or 300 books, digital printing offers a lower unit cost than lithographic (Offset) printing. This is because a digital printing press has minimal set-up costs associated with a production run. An offset press, on the other hand, has higher set-up costs which cannot be efficiently distributed across a small production run. However, for larger print volumes, offset printing can be the more affordable per-unit option, as the set-up costs can be spread across a greater number of books.

Offset printing is known for its high-quality printing with accurate color reproduction, making it the preferred choice for many book publishers and self-publishing authors. Conversely, print-on-demand services like those offered by MVP Print excel in providing a fast turnaround time, catering to those who need their books printed quickly. The tradeoff is that print-on-demand can be more expensive per unit over longer product runs compared to offset printing.

Ultimately, the choice between digital and offset printing will depend on factors such as your print volume, budget, and the level of customization required for your book project. Consulting with an experienced printing company like MVP Print can help you determine the most cost-effective and appropriate printing method for your unique needs.

Paper Selection for Cost-Effective Printing

Paper Selection

When it comes to custom book printing, the choice of paper can have a significant impact on the overall cost of the project. By carefully selecting the right paper type and weight, you can achieve significant savings without compromising the quality of your printed materials.

Standard Paper Sizes and Weights

One of the key factors to consider when selecting paper for your book printing is the standard paper sizes and weights offered by your printer. MVP Print, for example, offers a range of popular book formats, including A4, A5, and US Letter, which are commonly used for corporate booklets, children’s book printing and other professional publications. By designing your book to fit these standard sizes, you can minimize waste and optimize the production process, ultimately resulting in a more cost-effective solution.

Additionally, opting for a lighter weight version of the same paper type can also lead to substantial savings. Studies have shown that a lighter weight paper can cost significantly less than its heavier counterpart, and this difference is amplified when considering the multiple pages in a book.

Uncoated vs. Coated Paper

Another important consideration when selecting paper for your book printing is the choice between uncoated and coated paper. Uncoated paper, which has a more matte and textured finish, is often perceived as more sincere and trustworthy, making it a popular choice for non-profit organizations and businesses aiming for an approachable brand image. On the other hand, coated paper, such as gloss art paper, provides a perfectly shiny and reflective surface, creating a polished look that can be ideal for certain book genres. Research suggests that marketing materials printed on glossy paper can lead to up to a 30% increase in reader interest compared to standard finishes.

Ultimately, the choice between uncoated and coated paper will depend on the specific requirements of your book project and the desired aesthetic. At MVP Print, we’re happy to provide guidance and recommendations to help you find the most cost-effective and visually appealing paper solution for your custom book printing needs.

Binding Options for Custom Book Printing

When it comes to custom book printing, the binding method you choose can have a significant impact on the overall cost and aesthetic of your final product. MVP Print offers several binding options to suit your specific needs and budget, each with its own unique advantages.

Saddle-Stitch Binding

Saddle-Stitching is the most economical way to bind a book. This popular binding method uses printed sheets that are folded and nested one inside the other and then stapled through the fold line with wire staples. The staples pass through the folded crease from the outside and are clinched between the centermost pages. This binding option is ideal for booklets, catalogues, and other small-to-medium print runs.

Perfect Binding

Perfect binding, also known as soft-cover binding, is a popular choice for paperback books. In this method, the book pages are glued together at the spine, creating a sleek and professional look. Perfect binding is suitable for both print-on-demand projects and larger offset print runs, making it a versatile option for authors and publishers.

Case Binding for Hardcovers

For a truly premium and durable book, case binding, or hardcover binding, is the way to go. This binding method involves attaching the book block (the pages) to a stiff cover material, typically cloth or leather, to create a sturdy, long-lasting book. Case binding is perfect for high-quality publications, such as coffee table books, reference materials, and special editions.

Regardless of the binding option you choose, MVP Print is committed to delivering exceptional quality and a professional look for your custom book printing project. Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure your vision is brought to life, while also providing cost-effective solutions to fit your budget.

Custom Book Printing

Custom Book Printing

When it comes to custom book printing, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is choosing the right trim size for your project. All book printers have certain page sizes they offer as standard, and designing your page size to conform to one of these standard sizes can help reduce overall waste and optimize the production of your book, ultimately keeping the total cost as low as possible.

Choosing the Right Trim Size

MVP Print, a leading book printing company in Australia, offers a range of standard trim sizes to choose from, including popular formats like A5, A4, and US Letter. By aligning your book’s dimensions with one of these standard sizes, you can take advantage of economies of scale and streamline the printing process, resulting in significant cost savings.

Paperback vs. Hardcover Books

Another important decision in custom book printing is whether to opt for a paperback or hardcover format. Paperback books, also known as softcover books, are generally more cost-effective, making them a popular choice for self-publishers and authors on a budget. Hardcover books, on the other hand, offer a more premium and durable presentation, often used for high-end publications, coffee table books, and special editions.

Cover Design and Printing

The cover of your book is the first thing readers will see, so it’s important to invest in a professional and eye-catching design. MVP Print can assist with both the design and printing of your book covers, ensuring a high-quality, consistent look that will make your book stand out on the shelves. Whether you choose a simple, minimalist design or a more elaborate, full-color cover, their team of experts will work with you to bring your vision to life.

Cost-Saving Strategies for Custom Book Printing

When it comes to custom book printing, cost is often a major consideration for authors and publishers. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to keep your printing expenses in check. By working closely with your printer, such as MVP Print, you can identify opportunities to save money without compromising the quality of your finished books.

Bulk Ordering Discounts

One of the most effective ways to reduce the cost per unit of your book printing is to order in bulk. Many book printing companies, like MVP Print, offer tiered pricing structures that provide significant discounts for larger print runs. By ordering a larger quantity upfront, you can take advantage of these economies of scale and lower your overall printing costs.

Black and White vs. Colour Printing

Another way to save on book printing is to consider a black and white interior rather than full-colour. Colour printing is generally more expensive than monochrome, so if your book content doesn’t require extensive use of colour images or graphics, opting for a black and white interior can result in substantial savings. MVP Print can provide guidance on the cost implications of different printing options to help you make an informed decision.

Ultimately, the key to cost-effective book printing is to work closely with your printing partner, such as MVP Print, from the very beginning of your project. By discussing your plans and specifications upfront, you can identify opportunities to save money without compromising the quality and professionalism of your final product.

Partnering with a Professional Book Printer

Many factors go into the cost of printing a book, which can be overwhelming for new authors. However, partnering with an experienced printing company like MVP Print will ensure that your book is produced with quality, gets shipped to customers quickly, and comes at a price you’ll be happy with.

The rise of self-publishing has led to significant growth in Melbourne, and local book printers in the city offer face-to-face consultations and personalized services. On the other hand, national book printers have extensive production capabilities for faster turnaround times.

As a leading book printing company in Melbourne, MVP Print specializes in digital printing, providing flexibility, cost-effectiveness, printing quality and quick turnaround times. Additionally, Melbourne printers offer both offset printing for larger print runs and digital printing for smaller quantities.

When choosing a book printing company in Melbourne, factors to consider include experience, reputation, print quality, pricing, and customer service. Binding methods such as Wire Binding, saddle stitching, and perfect binding are also available for self-published authors in the city.

Beyond the technical aspects, cover design plays a crucial role in attracting readers to a self-published book, and internal layouts, including font selection and spacing, significantly impact reader engagement. Moreover, social media platforms are essential for self-published authors in Melbourne to promote their books and engage with readers.

Comparing Quotes from Multiple Printers

When it comes to custom book printing, exploring quotes from multiple printing companies is the key to finding the best value for your money. By obtaining quotes from different providers, you can easily compare their prices and services side by side. This helps you make an informed decision that ensures you get the most bang for your buck.

Evaluating Quality and Service

In addition to cost, it’s essential to consider the quality of the printing and the level of customer service provided by the printer. Comparing quotes allows you to identify any hidden fees or additional costs that may not have been obvious at first glance. This ensures that you have a complete understanding of the total investment required for your book printing project.

At MVP Print, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and our ability to deliver exceptional service to our clients. By providing detailed quotes that outline every aspect of the printing process, we help self-publishing authors like yourself make informed decisions that align with your budget and expectations. Our team of experts is always available to answer your questions and guide you through the custom book printing journey.

Whether you’re looking to print a small run of 100 books or a large volume of 10,000 copies, comparing quotes from multiple printers is the best way to ensure you get the most value for your investment. By taking the time to explore your options, you can confidently choose the printing partner that will bring your literary masterpiece to life with the perfect balance of quality and cost-effectiveness.

Print on Demand Services

The rise of print-on-demand (POD) services has revolutionized the publishing industry, making it more accessible and cost-effective for authors to self-publish their work. These services have significantly reduced the cost of producing physical books, allowing authors to publish their custom book printing projects without the need for large upfront investments.

Benefits of Print on Demand

One of the primary advantages of POD is the flexibility it offers. This provides authors with the ability to offer print and bound books in the exact quantity required, ranging from a single copy to a large print run, without the burden of maintaining inventory. This model eliminates the risk of overprinting and unsold books, which can be a significant concern for traditional publishing methods.

Another key benefit of POD is the cost-effectiveness it provides. Many platforms offer free or low-cost setup fees, with unit prices for print-on-demand books ranging from approximately $5 to $10, depending on the platform and the book’s specifications. This allows authors to experiment with different book formats, such as paperbacks, hardcovers, or even special editions, without the financial constraints of traditional publishing.

Notably, POD services often have extensive distribution networks, partnering with major online retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This expansive reach helps to increase the visibility and accessibility of self-published books, allowing authors to connect with a global audience more easily. Additionally, POD platforms offer a wide range of customization options, including book size, paper weight, and special finishing features, enabling authors to create truly unique and appealing book products.

While POD services offer numerous advantages, it’s essential for authors to carefully consider factors such as printing turnaround time, shipping durations, and sustainability practices when selecting a platform. By understanding the nuances of different POD providers, authors can make informed decisions that align with their publishing goals and ensure a professional, cost-effective, and eco-friendly book printing experience.


Self-publishing has emerged as a viable, even preferable, option for getting stories to readers in Australia. With the right resources and book printing companies like MVP Print, self-publishing can be straightforward and affordable. By understanding the factors that influence printing costs, selecting the appropriate printing method and paper, and leveraging cost-saving strategies, authors can produce high-quality, custom-printed books without breaking the bank.

The key is to partner with a professional book printer who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions. By comparing quotes from multiple printers and evaluating their quality and service, you can ensure you get the best value for your money. Additionally, exploring print-on-demand services can provide flexibility and minimal upfront investment, making the self-publishing journey more accessible.

Whether you’re looking to print soft cover books, hard cover books, or custom books in a variety of popular formats, the team at MVP Print is here to support you. With their expertise in cost-effective book printing, you can bring your literary creations to life and share them with readers across Australia and beyond.


What are the benefits of digital printing for short print runs?

For printing short runs, like 200, 250 or 300 books, digital printing offers a lower unit cost than offset printing. This is because a digital printing press has minimal set-up costs associated with a production run, whereas an offset press has higher set-up costs which cannot be efficiently distributed across a small production run.

How can paper selection impact the cost of custom book printing?

When considering a type of paper for a print project, a lighter weight version of the same type of paper will generally cost less than its bulkier counterpart. When it comes to book printing, these savings are magnified because each book has multiple pages.

What is the most economical way to bind a book?

Saddle-Stitching is, by far, the most economical way to bind a book. This popular method uses printed sheets that are folded and nested one inside the other and then stapled through the fold line with wire staples.

How can designing to a printer’s standard page sizes save money?

All book printers have certain page sizes they offer as standard sizes. Designing your page size to conform to one of your printer’s standard page sizes will result in reduced waste and optimise the production of your book, thus keeping the cost as low as possible.

Why is it important to consult with a printer early in the creation process?

If cost is a larger contributing factor in your book project, consult with your printer early in the creation process to discuss your plans and specifications. A few minutes spent with your printer at the beginning could translate to big savings at the end.

How can obtaining quotes from multiple printing companies help lower costs?

By obtaining quotes from multiple printing companies, you can easily compare their prices and services side by side. This helps you to make an informed decision and ensures that you get the best value for your money. Additionally, shopping around allows you to identify any hidden costs or fees that may not have been obvious at first glance.

What are the benefits of print-on-demand services?

Print-on-demand services are wonderful if you can afford them, but buying a large batch of prints all at once may hit you less heavily in the wallet — just make sure you can sell the books.

Custom Book Printing